Layer Group Gemenskap

How do you create a sense of belonging and an understanding of what it means to be part of something bigger?

This is one of the challenges of building a group filled with amazing entrepreneurs and individual company stars. Our task is to fuel their drive while creating a sense of community and a cohesive group. 

The Solution?

We have chosen to build the group's development forward on a model we call the Layer Model. It describes our foundation, our strategy, and the financial goals and commitments that all companies in the group subscribe to. It provides support, development, and contributes to responsible sustainability work. It also visualizes how we want to work together and move forward as a group. It becomes clear that Layer Group contributes to increasing professionalism while also ensuring that we remain a decentralized group where each company operates in a local spirit.

This way, we create conditions for everyone in the group to succeed. We evolve together and with collective efforts, but the local entrepreneur and the local brand continue to shine.


Layers and descriptions of the model


Common Ground

We shape our common foundation, our strategy, and the goals and commitments that all companies in the group sign up for. We see our role as that of an ambitious team leader, creating stability and security. Together, we become strong.


Individual company stars

We are proud of our sharp entrepreneurs and individual company stars. Each company must defend and develop its own local brand, the good name in each market.


Support and Development

Through support, development, responsible sustainability efforts, and knowledge-sharing networks, we elevate the professionalism within the group, both for the companies and individual employees.