20 Feb 2025

Taking Responsibility for the Future of Vocational Training

At Layer Group, we see apprenticeship and employee training as key to securing future expertise in the flooring industry. However, training or hiring an apprentice requires the right structure – from registration with BYN to supervisor training and planning of educational components.

Floor layers and floor layer apprentices at Högströms Golv in Gävle.

The industry is facing a significant challenge – the shortage of qualified floor layers is impacting growth, construction project timelines, and execution quality. At the same time, the demand for skilled professionals is increasing. At Layer Group, we take this seriously. Through initiatives like Layer Academy and support for our subsidiaries, we actively work to attract, train, and retain both new and existing talent. This ensures future growth and success for our companies while also strengthening the industry as a whole.

Layer Academy brings together knowledge and resources to support our subsidiaries in their apprenticeship and training efforts – not just for floor layers but also for painters and other surface treatment professionals. Recently, Patrik Ronkainen, Education Manager at Layer Group, visited Högströms Golv in Gävle to help them establish a clear training plan for their employees, apprentices, and APL students.

To create a strong training program, especially for apprentices, a well-thought-out process is essential. Supervisors need the right support and training, and someone at the company should have a clear role as the apprenticeship coordinator. For employees who are already working but lack professional certification, a structured plan has also been developed,” says Patrik.

At Högströms Golv, the next step in their apprenticeship program is now underway – becoming an authorized iAPL company (Inclusive Workplace Learning), a quality certification from BYN. When students complete their apprenticeship, their professional certification is celebrated, followed by further training opportunities such as GVK certification.

At Högströms Golv, we see training and developing the next generation of floor layers as one of our top priorities. By becoming an iAPL-certified company and offering our apprentices high-quality training, we aim to raise standards for both our company and the industry. Additionally, receiving support from Patrik at Layer Academy, with his expertise and assistance in creating structured training plans, is invaluable to our apprenticeship efforts,” says Sophie Hedblom, CEO of Högströms Golv.

I am passionate about these issues and about meeting apprentices, employees, and our subsidiaries in their daily work. Taking on apprentices is a responsibility that requires time and commitment. If I can ease the burden on our companies while supporting our apprentices, I consider that a success,” Patrik concludes.